Photo social / discussion meet up, 19.30, 15/4/22, Darkroom Birmingham
I’ve been mulling on ways to build on the last 10 years of photographic culture here – it’ll be 10 years in July since I took on this space formally – so how does this sound? A monthly evening of informal collaborative discussion relating to the ongoing, developing projects and practice of those attending. We can talk projects, have crit sessions, bring photo books, look at technical questions, whatever. And then maybe go to the Old Mo after?
Francesco, who’s joined me in the studio, and I were discussing a project he’s developing, and I remembered how I used to feel about collaborative discussion, the excitement of possibility, and the value of dialogues of recognition and discovery. There are a few factors that have prevented me from hosting this kind of thing here again, but now the time seems right.
I had the idea of the Shoot First? Saloon in 2010, as I can now see from an email thread from back then. In a different space, the BCCA, and it kind of fizzled out.. and led, in a round about way, to the conversations that became Some Cities. Perhaps I miss remember. But I’d love to get us talking again, and sometimes talking leads to doing too..

I’m not sure about the tequila for a number of reasons, but I’d like to recapture some of the enthusiasm of younger days. I’m thinking a Friday, 7.30 ish, the 6th May. Drop me a line if you’re interested.